
January 1
(Rabiatul Adawiyah Mohd Dom)
komen: yer saya seorang yg SPAN~~~ kekeke atul like to say this to me YOU ARE CAREFREE~~~ hehehe LOVE ATUL~~
888..si comel :D
by Humaira Nuraqilah on Wednesday, January 5
maaf ter'start' dgn gelak..hehe..sbb si 888 nie slaloo wt ak gelak n hepi..
dy nih kwn y bek n bole absorb sume mnde,,SUME MNDE WEYH..dr masalah org ke mknn hgge lah ke studi..studi dy mmg terbaek lahh..blaja sket2 pn gempak..law blaja gilaa gilaaa mst kalah atul pnye lah..hahaha
si 888 nie sgt lah unik org nye..sbb ak xpena jmpe org mcm dy lg..org y sgt sgt sgt setia tw..(setia ke obsession ek)..hahaha.
once dy da ske sumtin dy mcm sgt komited n will give her very best tok mnde y dy ske,,so amat lahh malang bg org yg dy benci sbb dy nih senanye jarang sket nk benci membenci nih..hehe
dlu2 ak penah 1 dorm dgn dy..tym 2 ak bodoh sket sbb x pnday nk appreciate kwn y bes mcm dy...cheongmal meannhae chingu ya,,,but i'm still lucky to be given another chance tok kwn dgn dy lg...n ktorg jd rapat tym f5,,slaloo lepak n gossip dgn dy,,deena n citot..hehe..rinduuu gilaaaaaaaa nk borak2 dgn kau tw tak..!!..T.T
for that i thank u allah the greatest 4 giving me such a wonderful friend like her..
ouh,,i wish you all the best 4 the upcoming life lahh..no matter wt course u take coz i know u'll be great in everything..saranghae :)
(Humaira Nuraqilah)
888..si comel :D
by Humaira Nuraqilah on Wednesday, January 5
maaf ter'start' dgn gelak..hehe..sbb si 888 nie slaloo wt ak gelak n hepi..
dy nih kwn y bek n bole absorb sume mnde,,SUME MNDE WEYH..dr masalah org ke mknn hgge lah ke studi..studi dy mmg terbaek lahh..blaja sket2 pn gempak..law blaja gilaa gilaaa mst kalah atul pnye lah..hahaha
si 888 nie sgt lah unik org nye..sbb ak xpena jmpe org mcm dy lg..org y sgt sgt sgt setia tw..(setia ke obsession ek)..hahaha.
once dy da ske sumtin dy mcm sgt komited n will give her very best tok mnde y dy ske,,so amat lahh malang bg org yg dy benci sbb dy nih senanye jarang sket nk benci membenci nih..hehe
dlu2 ak penah 1 dorm dgn dy..tym 2 ak bodoh sket sbb x pnday nk appreciate kwn y bes mcm dy...cheongmal meannhae chingu ya,,,but i'm still lucky to be given another chance tok kwn dgn dy lg...n ktorg jd rapat tym f5,,slaloo lepak n gossip dgn dy,,deena n citot..hehe..rinduuu gilaaaaaaaa nk borak2 dgn kau tw tak..!!..T.T
for that i thank u allah the greatest 4 giving me such a wonderful friend like her..
ouh,,i wish you all the best 4 the upcoming life lahh..no matter wt course u take coz i know u'll be great in everything..saranghae :)
(Humaira Nuraqilah)
komen: sarangahae ko jugak^^ huhu aku x gempak ok~~ tapi aku terima apa yg ko ckp aku amat setia (kot)...kalo ko nk panggil obses pon aku terima la..hehehe =P
4 ma dearest fren....
by Haniz Amirah on Saturday, January 1, 2011
1808~~ uhuu..nice number..i love everyone who born in august becoz i believe we have samthing special in common *wink*..n yet u r special..never found sam1 yg sgt free sperti kamu..u have ur own principal of life..sy sgt suke org cm2..but the only thing yg i never understand till now is ur obsession~~
heee...but it's ok my dear.. aq trime ko as my fren as who u are..everybody r special in their on way kn~
kamu manje cm knak2...but da lame xjumpe..mne taw da bruba..haha
u act kinda cute..kamu xpasan..but it's funny and cute n d same time..hee
ape lagi ni ekh~.. ow have a great time with u 4 about 5 years dkat bilek basoh..-sensored- haha
moment yg xbley lupe is when u dance!! dkat dorm b13...hehek..cute nk mmpos~ nbody cn be like u...
lastly..be who u wanted 2 be..hope ur life will get much much happier..u r one of my greatest girlfren n u will always be...
I love u toooo~
ps : sory klau aq blur sgt everytime u talk dat *foreign language*...huhu
(Haniz Amirah Hanif)
4 ma dearest fren....
by Haniz Amirah on Saturday, January 1, 2011
1808~~ uhuu..nice number..i love everyone who born in august becoz i believe we have samthing special in common *wink*..n yet u r special..never found sam1 yg sgt free sperti kamu..u have ur own principal of life..sy sgt suke org cm2..but the only thing yg i never understand till now is ur obsession~~
heee...but it's ok my dear.. aq trime ko as my fren as who u are..everybody r special in their on way kn~
kamu manje cm knak2...but da lame xjumpe..mne taw da bruba..haha
u act kinda cute..kamu xpasan..but it's funny and cute n d same time..hee
ape lagi ni ekh~.. ow have a great time with u 4 about 5 years dkat bilek basoh..-sensored- haha
moment yg xbley lupe is when u dance!! dkat dorm b13...hehek..cute nk mmpos~ nbody cn be like u...
lastly..be who u wanted 2 be..hope ur life will get much much happier..u r one of my greatest girlfren n u will always be...
I love u toooo~
ps : sory klau aq blur sgt everytime u talk dat *foreign language*...huhu
(Haniz Amirah Hanif)
komen: HANIZ I LOVE YOU~~ saya x manja ok~~ yer saya free~~ but still haniz i envy of your confident~~~
1808-hey you..klu tgk korean msti ingat ko..ko sgt comel okeyh:)suke tgk prangai ko..n ko pndai tau tk..susa nk jmpe org yg all the tyme KPOP but study all out..sayang kamoo:)
1808-ehh ak bkn da buat tok ko ker..nk lg plak..mne ad idea weyh..ok2..ap lg yer,,ko comeyl lah..btol!ingat lg wktu nk smbut besday ko..ap nme roti tu..bnyk gile kot ko dpt(sgt jeles)bmati-matian nk sorok bnde tu dri pndgn ko ble ko lalu kt dpn dorm ktorg..haha bkn ko nmpk pon sbnanye,,anyway sile brjaye ye dlm hidop:P
(Ras Emil Sazura)
komen: hahaha bila tgk korea ingat2 la aku selalu ok~~~~sayang SAZU!!!!! pasal roti tu aku amat3 terharu...aku x sangka giler siot~~~
1808- haha okay you're the last one for now! aku nak rest. pening sudah ;) but since its you aku buat jugak! Awwwh you're my Mamipoko pants song. Remember how I used to sing this song everyday sampai kau naik nyampah dengar! haha sorry. Aku sayang kau gilaa. Buat peluk memang sodap. Kidiing! tapi aku suka peluk kau. Kau baik gilaa. And I miss really u :(
(Nurul Fazlyn Ahmad Zuhdi)
1808- haha okay you're the last one for now! aku nak rest. pening sudah ;) but since its you aku buat jugak! Awwwh you're my Mamipoko pants song. Remember how I used to sing this song everyday sampai kau naik nyampah dengar! haha sorry. Aku sayang kau gilaa. Buat peluk memang sodap. Kidiing! tapi aku suka peluk kau. Kau baik gilaa. And I miss really u :(
(Nurul Fazlyn Ahmad Zuhdi)
komen: hahah wish to hug you once again my dear!!! ko panggil aku singa laut jugak>< kah3~ sayang poll!!!! 888:fanatik korea...hoho.tiada yg len melainkn korea...hampir sume bnd psl korea dia tau...dia ni nmpk je cm bese,tp otak geliga gk..perrkkhh..pd pndgn sy,dia ni seorg yg sempoi.sng nk msk...dia ske mkn..haha.sy pon ske gk.xpe2,kte gang..^^ ok,moga dia success2 la..~ (Insyirah Johari)
komen: hahah still korea^^ aku suka mkn yeah??? hahah mknn free aku suka kot^^
1808:hahaha...ko ni agak bising gak kt klas...tpi ko ni pndai orgnye..math bg ko celah gigi je..soalan calculus x de hal la..aku ingtkn ko ni skema sgt...rupanya otai daa...klas lecture pon ponteng..kantoi!!!..lg satu..jgn terpngaruh ngan dunia luar...ingat asal-usul kte..bhase jiwa bangse..blaja bhase asing jgn smpai lupe bhase ibunda kte...hehehe
(Ikhwan Hamdan)
1808:hahaha...ko ni agak bising gak kt klas...tpi ko ni pndai orgnye..math bg ko celah gigi je..soalan calculus x de hal la..aku ingtkn ko ni skema sgt...rupanya otai daa...klas lecture pon ponteng..kantoi!!!..lg satu..jgn terpngaruh ngan dunia luar...ingat asal-usul kte..bhase jiwa bangse..blaja bhase asing jgn smpai lupe bhase ibunda kte...hehehe
(Ikhwan Hamdan)
komen: i'm proud to be MALAYSIAN OK~~~ hehehe aku x lupa asal usul tau~ anyway, aku mmg BISING~~
8080-seorg yang giler kentang korea,tetibe hr 2 suh aku like smpai 3 page,last2 aku like satu page je ya-haaaaaaa.aku rase kalo ade artis korea lalu dpn dia automatic language dia akan bertukar kot
(Khairudin Faiz)
komen: hahah mmg kalo dorang lalu depan aku, terus aku ckp saranghae~~ hahaha
0818: knl da lama da... cuma awl2.. dy diam sgt.. smpai xtw dy uh wujud..ble kenal dy nih bek ah gak... gud listener mcm mak org.. tp ske korek rahsia org sedalam2 nya.. haha... pas2 fanatik gle dlm bdg dy (korea) smpai wat org len letih nak lyn.. =p
(Hilmi Afandi)
0818: knl da lama da... cuma awl2.. dy diam sgt.. smpai xtw dy uh wujud..ble kenal dy nih bek ah gak... gud listener mcm mak org.. tp ske korek rahsia org sedalam2 nya.. haha... pas2 fanatik gle dlm bdg dy (korea) smpai wat org len letih nak lyn.. =p
(Hilmi Afandi)
komen: ko ni nk kutuk aku ke nk puji aku??? hahah anyway best gak kwn ngn ko~~ (senyap ke aku dulu????)
808-knal tyme kt sambest, ble tgok dye rse happy je sbb dye slalu senyum n mke dye cm xde prob jer..*tp xtau la klu senonye dye ad msalah bnyk..dye bez klu rapat ngan dye sbb friendly, tp malangnya ak xrapat sgt ngan dye tyme kt skola, haha..ak cme ley agak yg dye ny cm "kuat mkn dlam"..rsenye la..
(Ariff Firdaus)
808-knal tyme kt sambest, ble tgok dye rse happy je sbb dye slalu senyum n mke dye cm xde prob jer..*tp xtau la klu senonye dye ad msalah bnyk..dye bez klu rapat ngan dye sbb friendly, tp malangnya ak xrapat sgt ngan dye tyme kt skola, haha..ak cme ley agak yg dye ny cm "kuat mkn dlam"..rsenye la..
(Ariff Firdaus)
komen: betul tu....aku frenly~~ x malu ngaku sendiri...kekeke tpi betul tu arep...aku mmg mkn dalam~~~ tekaan ko tepat....tapi jgn risau aku cepat pulih~~
1808:dy cute! frst tyme jumpe tyme f1..kite dorm sme.jeles sbb dy rapt dgn kakak senior..yela tyme tuh dy ad abg f5..hehehe :) tp xpe dy bek hati sgt2! ad skali tuh una dmam..dialah yg tman una g klinik..sgt bek!dh f2 dom dh lain kelas pon lain..jd kurg rapt..tp xpe..dy tetap kwn sy! ♥
(Husna Rodzi)
1808:dy cute! frst tyme jumpe tyme f1..kite dorm sme.jeles sbb dy rapt dgn kakak senior..yela tyme tuh dy ad abg f5..hehehe :) tp xpe dy bek hati sgt2! ad skali tuh una dmam..dialah yg tman una g klinik..sgt bek!dh f2 dom dh lain kelas pon lain..jd kurg rapt..tp xpe..dy tetap kwn sy! ♥
(Husna Rodzi)
komen: husna i'm not cute~~ alaaa jgn la jeles~~ aku mmg mcm tu frenly~~ friends 4eva babeh~ LOVE YOU!!!
1808 - weh!! mengada! hang la kawan baik yang aku dapat dari alam maya! and our first meet kat OU. sebab BEAST! malangnya aku tak sempat jumpa beast, but i met you!! you're soooooooooo cute. comel! rasa nak cubit cubit ja hang masa tu. tapi, aku maluuuu, sebab suara aku takde. serious tak kuar. nak cakap pun segan :S tapi, i'll call you nanti. i promise!!! i love you! glad we met :')
(Ain Khalid ku SAYANG~~~)
komen: inilah kwn CYBER KU YG TERBAIK!!!! hahaha rindu siot nk borak lama2 ngn ko!!! rindu sgt!!!! aku sayang gilerr ko!!!!!
#1080 Aww..kita kenal sbb minat yg sama kan? Its really nice to know you. :))
(Raimy A.Rahim)
#1080 Aww..kita kenal sbb minat yg sama kan? Its really nice to know you. :))
(Raimy A.Rahim)
komen: RAE!!!!
Dear 1808, This is specially for you. I seriously don't want to do this, But because you're one of the awesome-est person who has the same passion as me which is SUPER JUNIOR, I have to. :) Yeap, Suju unites us, Go ELFs~! For me, you're one of the nicest and seriously the funniest girl I've met in PASUM. I hope that we'll stay friends forever. Saranghae, 1808! ♥
(Aini Nadhirah~~ ♥ )
komen: Aini yg chumil dan lawa~~ kalau kite x kenal SUJU mungkin sya x kenal awak sekarang ni~~sayang kamoo!!!
dear 808, suka gilaaaa kawan dengan awak. awak lah gummy bears saya! :D kawan dengan kau buat aku gelak je. comel sangat la aihhhh. fanatiknya awak dekat kanak kanak korea tu, x buat saya geli geleman,tapi buat saya gelak. haha. and gambar hot kat fon awk tu, serious buat aku guling guling. hahahahaha.
awak pandaaaiii. and a good listener tuu! mula mula ingat x nak cerita sangaat pasal hidup aku kat kau, tapi bila dah cerita, rasa relief gila. kau respond pun sgt best. sayang kauuuuuuuu sgt! :D
(Shamellia Sharin)
komen: SHAMY!!!!!! SAYA SAYANG AWAK~~~ aku x comel ok..ye aku tau aku gummy bear ko~~ cerita je ape2~~ saya akan dgr!!! saya kan SPONGE~~~
overall~~~ SAYA SAYANG AWAK SEMUA!!!!!! dan 99% of the komen is about KOREA~~ x sangka korea amat mempengaruhi hidup aku...heheheh^^
fanatik korea,sgt setuju~woha!
ReplyDeletehahaha nak buat mcm mana~~ already in my blood..kekeke~
ReplyDeletekebetulan lak sume yg stuju kte yg komen..bgga2.. XD
mah,bru jmpe blog ko..=p
hahaha aku pun x tw ko ade blog siot~~